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[学术报告]英国南安普顿大学Lie-Liang Yang教授学术报告会
2016-09-06 15:38   审核人:

报告题目:Large-Scale Wireless Communications: Theory, Technologies and Challenges


报告人:Lie-Liang Yang教授英国南安普顿大学





Future wireless systems are expected to be the massive systems, which make use of any available resources to provide varieties of services for massive dense-distributed communication devices (machines). In this talk, we first explain from information theory perspective why large-scale is essential for spectral and energy efficient wireless communications. Then, the principles, advantages and challenges of space-domain massive MIMO systems are explored, which are followed by a discussion of the so-called time-frequency-domain massive MIMO. Furthermore, considering the future ultra-dense wireless systems, where every communication device may be surrounded by a number of antennas distributed within its line-of-sight range, we believe that a device centralized communication framework with dynamic inputs and dynamic outputs employs a range of advantages over the conventional base-station centralized communication framework. Correspondingly, in this talk, we address a large-scale dynamic MIMO (DMIMO) system, as well as its principles, opportunities and challenges.



Lie-Liang Yang教授是英国南安普顿大学电子与计算机学院教授,是IEEE会士(IEEE Fellow)、IET会士(IET Fellow),是IEEE VTS学会的Distinguished Lecturer1997年在北方(京)交通大学获通信与电子系统专业博士学位,从19976月至12月在捷克共和国科学院无线电电子工程研究所工作。从199712月至今,他一直在英国南安普敦大学电子与计算机科学学院工作。他的研究涉及无线通信、无线网络、信号处理,以及细胞通信和纳米网络等领域,是国际电信领域知名学者。他已在国际顶级会议和期刊发表330多篇研究论文,出版专著1本和合著2本。长期担任许多无线通信领域国际学术会议的主持工作,担任多个一流学术期刊的编委。详细情况请参见 http://www-mobile.ecs.soton.ac.uk/lly/


 通讯地址:陕西省西安市友谊西路127号西北工业大学bet48365365  邮编:710072;联系电话:029-8843-1206  办公地址:西北工业大学长安校区   
版权所有:西北工业大学bet48365365;    技术支持:西安博达软件有限公司