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2018-05-07 23:45   审核人:













2006 —— 2010,西南大学,学士

2010 —— 2013,西南大学,硕士

2013 —— 2016,西南大学,博士

2014 —— 2016,美国范德堡大学,国家公派博士联合培养



2017.01 —— 今,西北工业大学bet48365365,副教授



1. 基于演化博弈观点的多源冲突证据融合研究,国家自然科学基金,2018/01-2020/12

2. 基于多源信息融合的武器系统火力分配研究,航天科学技术基金,2017/01-2017/12

3. 基于证据理论与D数的非完备不确定信息融合研究,新进教师科研启动费,2017/03-2019/03



1. 2016年度陕西高等学校科学技术一等奖1项(排名第三)

2. 2017年度陕西省科学技术二等奖1项(排名第三)



1. 《不确定博弈与群体演化》,科学出版社

2. D-S证据理论信息建模与应用》,科学出版社



  1. Deng, X. & Jiang, W. Dependence assessment in human reliability analysis using an evidential network approach extended by belief rules and uncertainty measures. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 117 (2018) 183-193.

  2. Deng, X. & Jiang, W. An evidential axiomatic design approach for decision making using the evaluation of belief structure satisfaction to uncertain target values. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 33 (1) (2018) 15-32.

  3. Xu, S., Jiang, W., Deng, X., & Shou, Y. A modified Physarum-inspired model for the user equilibrium traffic assignment problem. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 55 (2018) 340-353.

  4. Deng, X. & Jiang, W. Fuzzy risk evaluation in failure mode and effects analysis using a D numbers based multi-sensor information fusion method. Sensors, 17 (9) (2017) 2086.

  5. Deng, X. & Jiang, W. Exploring the combination rules of D numbers from a perspective of conflict redistribution. 20th International Conference on Information Fusion, Xi'an, China, July 10-13, 2017, DOI: 10.23919/ICIF.2017.8009696.

  6. Deng, X., Xiao, F., & Deng, Y. An improved distance-based total uncertainty measure in belief function theory. Applied Intelligence, 46 (4) (2017) 898-915.

  7. Deng, X., Jiang, W., & Zhang, J. Zero-sum matrix game with payoffs of Dempster-Shafer belief structures and its applications on sensors. Sensors, 17 (4) (2017) 922.

  8. Zhang, X., Mahadevan, S., & Deng, X. Reliability analysis with linguistic data: An evidential network approach. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 162 (2017) 111-121.

  9. Zhou, X., Deng, X., Deng, Y., & Mahadevan, S. Dependence assessment in human reliability analysis based on D numbers and AHP. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 313 (2017) 243-252.

  10. Deng, X., Han, D., Dezert, J., Deng, Y., & Shyr, Y. Evidence combination from an evolutionary game theory perspective. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 46 (9) (2016) 2070-2082.

  11. Deng, X., Liu, Q., Deng, Y., & Mahadevan, S. An improved method to construct basic probability assignment based on the confusion matrix for classification problem. Information Sciences, 340-341 (2016) 250-261.

  12. Deng, X., Liu, Q. & Deng, Y. Matrix games with payoffs of belief structures. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 273 (2016) 868-879.

  13. Deng, X., Deng, Y., Liu, Q., Shi, L., & Wang, Z. Quantum games of opinion formation based on the Marinatto-Weber quantum game scheme. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 114 (2016) 50012.

  14. Deng, X., Deng, Y., Liu, Q., Chang S., & Wang, Z. A quantum extension to inspection game. European Physical Journal B, 89 (2016) 162.

  15. Deng, X., Zhang, Q., Deng, Y. & Wang, Z. A novel framework of classical and quantum prisoner's dilemma games on coupled networks. Scientific Reports, 6 (2016) 23024.

  16. Deng, X., Zhang, Z., Deng, Y., Liu, Q., & Chang, S. Self-adaptive win-stay-lose-shift reference selection mechanism promotes cooperation on a square lattice. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 284 (2016) 322-331.

  17. Deng, X., Hu, Y., Chan, F. T., Mahadevan, S., & Deng, Y. Parameter estimation based on interval-valued belief structures. European Journal of Operational Research, 241 (2) (2015) 579-582.

  18. Deng, X., Lu, X., Chan, F. T., Sadiq, R., Mahadevan, S., & Deng, Y. D-CFPR: D numbers extended consistent fuzzy preference relations. Knowledge-Based Systems, 73 (2015) 61-68.

  19. Deng, X., Deng, Y., & Chan, F. T. An improved operator of combination with adapted conflict. Annals of Operations Research, 223 (1) (2014) 451-459.

  20. Deng, X., Liu, Q., Sadiq, R., & Deng, Y. Impact of roles assignation on heterogeneous populations in evolutionary dictator game. Scientific Reports, 4 (2014) 6937.

  21. Deng, X., Wang, Z., Liu, Q., Deng, Y. & Mahadevan, S. A belief-based evolutionarily stable strategy. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 361(2014) 81-86.

  22. Deng, X., Zheng, X., Su, X., Chan, F. T., Hu, Y., Sadiq, R. & Deng, Y. An evidential game theory framework in multi-criteria decision making process. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 244 (2014) 783-793.

  23. Deng, X., Hu, Y., Deng, Y., & Mahadevan, S. Supplier selection using AHP methodology extended by D numbers. Expert Systems with Applications, 41 (1) (2014) 156-167.

  24. Deng, X., Hu, Y., Deng, Y., & Mahadevan, S. Environmental impact assessment based on D numbers. Expert Systems with Applications, 41 (2) (2014) 635-643.

  25. Deng, X. & Deng, Y. On the axiomatic requirement of range to measure uncertainty. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 406 (2014) 163-168.

  26. Wei, D., Deng, X., Zhang, X., Deng, Y., & Mahadevan, S. Identifying influential nodes in weighted networks based on evidence theory. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 392 (10) (2013) 2564-2575.

  27. Zhang, Y., Deng, X., Wei, D., & Deng, Y. Assessment of E-Commerce security using AHP and evidential reasoning. Expert Systems with Applications, 39 (3) (2012) 3611-3623.

  28. 邓鑫洋, 邓勇, 章雅娟, & 刘琪. 一种信度马尔科夫模型及应用. 自动化学报, 38 (4) (2012) 666-672.


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