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2018-05-07 23:20   审核人:



职 称:副教授












201612月 东北大学通信与信息系统 工学博士



20171月至今,西北工业大学bet48365365 副教授







[1] Laisen Nie, Xiaojie Wang, Liangtian Wan, Shui Yu, Houbing Song, Dingde Jiang, Network traffic prediction based on Deep Belief Network and Spatio-Temporal Compressive Sensing in Wireless Mesh Backbone Networks, Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing, 2018(2018): 1-10.

[2] Laisen Nie, Dingde Jiang, Modeling network traffic for traffic matrix estimation and anomaly detection based on Bayesian network in cloud computing networks, Annals of Telecommunications, 72(2017): 297-305.

[3] Laisen Nie, Dingde Jiang, Lei Guo, Shui Yu, Traffic matrix prediction and estimation based on deep learning in large-scale IP backbone networks, Journal of Network and Computer Application, 2016, 76(2016): 16-22.

[4] Laisen Nie, Dingde Jiang, Lei Guo, Traffic matrix estimation for IP-over-WDM networks via optical bypass techniques, China Communications, 2016, 13(7): 7-15.

[5] Laisen Nie, Dingde Jiang, Lei Guo, A convex optimization-based traffic matrix estimation approach in IP-over-WDM backbone networks, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2015, 50(2015): 32-38.

[6] Laisen Nie, Dingde Jiang, Lei Guo, A compressive sensing-based approach to end-to-end network traffic reconstruction utilizing partial measured origin-destination flows, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2015, 26(8): 1108-1117.

[7] Laisen Nie, Dingde Jiang, A compressive sensing-based network tomography approach to estimating origin-destination flow traffic in large-scale backbone networks, International Journal of Communication Systems, 2015, 28(5): 889-900.

[8] Laisen Nie, Dingde Jiang, Lei Guo, End-to-end network traffic reconstruction via network tomography based on compressive sensing, Journal of Network and Systems Management, 2015, 23(3): 709-730.

[9] Laisen Nie, Dingde Jiang, Lei Guo, Zhengzheng Xu, A reconstructing approach to end-to-end network traffic based on multifractal wavelet model, International Journal of Communication Systems, 2014, 27(12): 3565-3580.

[10] Laisen Nie, Dingde Jiang, Lei Guo, A power laws-based reconstruction approach to end-to-end network traffic, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2013, 36(2): 898-907.

[11] Laisen Nie, Dingde Jiang, Zhengzheng Xu, A compressive sensing-based reconstruction approach to network traffic, Computers and Electrical Engineering, 2013, 39(5): 1422-1432.

[12] Dingde Jiang, Laisen Nie, Zhihan Lv, and Houbing Song, Spatio-Temporal Kronecker compressive sensing for traffic matrix recovery, IEEE Access, 2016,4(2016): 3046-3053.

[13] Dingde Jiang, Zhengzheng Xu, Laisen Nie, and Jindi Liu, An approximation approach to end-to-end traffic in communication networks, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2012, 21(4): 705-710.



[1] Laisen Nie, Dingde Jiang, Shui Yu, and Houbing Song, Network traffic prediction based on Deep Belief Network in wireless mesh backbone networks, 2017 IEEE WCNC, 2017, pp. 1-5.

[2] Laisen Nie, Dingde Jiang, Lei Guo, Shui Yu, and Houbing Song, Traffic matrix prediction and estimation based on deep learning for data center networks, 2016 IEEE Globecom Workshops, 2016, pp. 1-6.

[3] Laisen Nie, A novel network tomography approach for traffic matrix estimation problem in large-scale IP backbone networks, 2015 International Conference on Computer Science and Mechanical Automation, 2015, Hangzhou, China, pp. 97-101.

[4] Laisen Nie, Traffic matrix estimation approach based on partial direct measurements in large-scale IP backbone networks, 2015 5th International Conference on Electronics Information and Eergency Communication, 2015, pp. 178-181.

[5] Laisen Nie, Dingde Jiang, and Lei Guo, A compressive sensing-based reconstruction approach to end-to-end network traffic, 2012 8th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, 2012, Shanghai, China, Sept. 21-23, pp. 1-4.

[6] Dingde Jiang, Wenda Qin, Qingyi Tang, Laisen Nie, and Zhang Jian, An estimation approach to traffic matrix in optical networks based on network tomography, Acta Photonica Sinica, 2014, 43(7): 1-10.



1. 20158 获辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖三等奖(排名第一)

2. 20149 CSC-IBM中国优秀学生奖学金

3. 20147 获辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖三等奖(排名第一)

4. 20146 获沈阳市自然科学学术成果奖三等奖(排名第一)

5. 201310 获博士研究生国家奖学金

6. 201310 获国际学术会议COIN2013最佳论文奖



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