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2018-05-07 22:29   审核人:






  1. Shuangxi Zhang, Mengdao Xing, Rui Guo, Lei Zhang, and Zheng Bao, “ Interference suppression algorithm for SAR based on time-frequency transform,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience Remote Sensing, vol. 49, no. 10, pp.3765-3779, Oct., 2011. (二区)

  2. Shuangxi Zhang, Mengdao Xing, Xianggen Xia, Yanyang Liu, Rui Guo and Zheng Bao, “A robust channel-calibration algorithm for the multi-channel in azimuth HRWS SAR imaging based on local maximum-likelihood weighted minimum entropy,” IEEE Transactions on Image Prcocessing, vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 5294-5305, Dec. 2013. (二区)

  3. Shuangxi Zhang, Mengdao Xing, Xianggen Xia, Lei Zhang, Rui Guo, Yi Liao, and Zheng Bao, “Multi-channel HRWS SAR imaging based on range-variant channel-calibration and multi-Doppler-direction restriction ambiguity suppression,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience Remote Sensing, vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 4306-4326, Jul. 2014. (二区)

  4. Shuangxi Zhang, Mengdao Xing, Xianggen Xia, Lei Zhang, Rui Guo, Yi Liao, and Zheng Bao, “Multi-channel HRWS SAR imaging based on range-variant channel-calibration and multi-Doppler-direction restriction ambiguity suppression,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience Remote Sensing, vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 4306-4326, Jul. 2014. (二区)

  5. Shuangxi Zhang, Mengdao Xing, Xianggen Xia, Rui Guo, and Zheng Bao, “Robust clutter suppression and moving-target imaging approach for multi-channel in azimuth high-resolution and wide-swath synthetic aperture radar,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience Remote Sensing. (二区)

  6. Shuangxi Zhang, Mengdao Xing, Xianggen Xia, Jianbing Li, Rui Guo, and Zheng Bao, “A robust imaging algorithm for squint mode multi-channel high-resolution and wide-swath SAR with hybrid baseline and fluctuant terrain,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing. (二区)

  7. Shuangxi Zhang, Mengdao Xing, Xianggen Xia, Lei Zhang, Rui Guo, and Zheng Bao, “ Focus improvement of high-squint SAR based on azimuth dependence of quadratic range cell migration correction,” IEEE Geoscience Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 150-154, Jan. 2013. (三区)

  8. Rui Guo, Yabo Liu, Y. H. Wu, Shuangxi Zhang, Mengdao Xing, and Wei He, “Applying H/α decomposition to compact polarimetric SAR,” IET Radar Sonar Naving., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 61-70, 2012. (EI, SCI)

  9. Rui Guo, Wei He, Shuangxi Zhang, Bo Zang, and Mengdao Xing, “Analysis of three-component decomposition to compact polarimetric synthetic aperture radar,” IET Radar Sonar Naving.( EI, SCI)

  10. Cheng Shichao, Xing Mengdao, Zhang Shuangxi, and Bao Zheng, “A SIFT algorithm for bistatic SAR imaging in a spaceborne constant-offset configuration,” Journal of Radars, vol. 2, no.1 pp.14-22, 2013.

  11. Jianbing Li, Xiaoping Li, Mingfu Lin, and Shuangxi Zhang, “Maximum-likelihood-based Doppler centroid estimation algorithm for MC-HRWS SAR system,” Electronics Letters, vol. 50, no. 22, pp. 1630-1631, Oct. 2014.


  12. 张双喜,孙光才,周峰,刘艳阳,邢孟道,一种基于子孔径自聚焦的高频运动误差估计和补偿方法,电子与信息学报,第32卷,第12期,2010.(EI: 20110213568810)

  13. 张双喜,张磊,郭睿,周鹏,邢孟道,利用小波变换进行合成孔径雷达窄带干扰抑制算法西安电子科技大学学报,第38卷,第5期,2011.(EI: 20114614515114)

  14. 张双喜,张磊,刘艳阳,邢孟道,保铮,“基于STFTWTSAR干扰抑制算法”电子学报,第39卷,第10期,2011.(EI: 20113614302095)

  15. 张双喜,李军,张磊,邢孟道,保铮,“基于级数反演 FMCW SAR成像算法研究”电子学报,第41卷,第3期,2013. (EI: 20131816300429)

  16. 张双喜,孙光才,刘艳阳,周峰,邢孟道,“基于四通道SAR欺骗式干扰抑制算法”,现代雷达,第33卷,第2期,2011.


  17. Shuangxi Zhang, Guo Rui, Xu Gang, and Mengdao Xing, “Azimuth dependence of quadratic range cell migration correction for the high squint synthetic aperture radar,” IEEE International Radar Conference, Chengdu, China, Oct., 2011, vol. 1, 1502-1505. (EI: 20121314908177)

  18. Shuangxi Zhang, Yi Liao, Guangcai Sun, Lei Zhang, and Mengdao Xing, “ A considering range space-variation channel-balancing method for multi-channel high-resolution and wide-swath SAR imaging,” IET International Radar Conference 2013, Xi’an, China. (EI: 20141017418728)

  19. Shuangxi Zhang, Guo Rui, Letian Zeng, and Mengdao Xing, “Based on minimum-entropy HRWS SAR channel-calibration method,” IET International Radar Conference 2013, Xi’an, China. (EI: 20141017418869)

  20. Shuangxi Zhang, Yongxin Guo, Cher Hiang Goh, and Mengdao Xing, “A novel Doppler chirp rate and baseline estimation approach in time domain for multi-channel in azimuth HRWS SAR system,” IEEE The 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, Singapore, Sep., 2015. (Accepted, EI)

  21. Guo Rui, Zang Bao, Zhang Shuangxi, and Xing Mengdao, “ PolSAR image classification based on deorientation theory,” IEEE International Radar Conference, Chengdu, China, Oct., 2011, vol. 1, 1378-1381. (EI)

  22. Gang Xu, Qianqian Chen, Shuangxi Zhang, and Lei Zhang, “A novel autofocusing algorithm for ISAR imaging based on sparsity-driven optimization,” IEEE International Radar Conference, Chengdu, China, Oct., 2011, vol. 1, 1471-1474. (EI)




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