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2018-06-20 13:37   审核人:












教育背景:2007年获西北工业大学信号与信息处理专业博士;2009年至2010年美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂     山分校 博士后研究。      





[1]     Yi Wang, Yu Shen, Dongyang Liu, Guoqin Li, Zhe Guo, Yangyu Fan, Yilong Niu*. Evaluations of diffusion tensor image registration based on fiber tractography. BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 2017, 16(1): 9 (DOI: 10.1186/s12938-016-0299-2). (SCI: 000391871200001)

[2]     Yi Wang, Liangliang Yu, Houqi Xie, Tao Lei, Zhe Guo, Min Qi, Guoyun Lv, Yangyu Fan, Yilong Niu*. Line detection algorithm based on adaptive gradient threshold and weighted mean shift. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016, 75(23): 16665-16682 (DOI 10.1007/s11042-016-3835-y). (SCI: 000388121700079EI: 20163402723360)

[3]     Yi Wang*, Qian Yu, Zhexing Liu, Tao Lei, Zhe Guo, Min Qi, Yangyu Fan. Evaluation on diffusion tensor image registration algorithms. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016, 75(13): 8105-8122 (DOI 10.1007/s11042-015-2727-x). (SCI: 000379924600030EI: 20152600968428)

[4]     Yi Wang, Wenxuan Zeng, Liangliang Yu, TaoLei, Zhe Guo, Min Qi, Yangyu Fan, Yilong Niu*. Advance in Diffusion Tensor Image Registration and Its Evaluation. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 20166(2)562-570 (SCI: 000374145800036)

[5]          王毅,谢琨,周艳娟,崔文超,雷涛,樊养余. 基于图割的扩散张量磁共振图像胼胝体分割算法. 北京工业大学学报,2014403):473-480.

[6]          Wang Yi, Niu Yilong, Liu Yichen, Fan Yangyu. Adaptive Hormone Regulation Operator for Genetic Algorithm. In: Proc. of IEEE TENCON2013 International Conference, 2013, 1-4.EI: 20140917392888  

[7]          Wang Yi, Niu Yilong, Kong Xiaolin. Hormone adjustment based quantum clone evolutionary algorithm. Advanced in Mathematical and Computational Methods, 2013, 3(1): 85-91.

[8]          王毅,冯前进,刘哲星,崔文超,郝重阳. 扩散张量磁共振图像分割研究进展. 科学通报,201358(18): 1719-1730.

[9]          王毅, 欧杨梅,齐敏,樊养余. 一种扩散张量脑胼胝体图像分割算法. 计算机科学,201239(12): 257-260(271).

[10]          王毅,孔晓琳,牛奕龙,齐敏,樊养余. 基于激素调节的量子免疫克隆函数优化算法. 系统工程与电子技术,2012, 34(9): 1934-1939.EI: 20124415631267  

[11]          Yi Wang, Aditya Gupta, Zhexing Liu, Hui Zhang, Maria L. Escolar, John H. Gilmore, Sylvain Gouttard, Pierre Fillard, Eric Maltbie, Guido Gerig, Martin Styner. DTI registration in atlas based fiber analysis of infantile Krabbe disease. Neuroimage, 2011, 55(4): 1577-1586SCI: 000288843500019  

[12]          王毅,牛奕龙,齐华,齐敏,郝重阳. 基于改进模糊指数熵双阈值的3维人体图像分割优化算法. 中国图象图形学报,200813(9): 1733-1739

[13]          Wang Yi, Fan Yangyu, Niu Yilong, Lehmpfuhl Monika, Qi Min, Hao Chongyang. Effective immune genetic algorithm for segmentation of 3D brain images. Journal of System Simulation200820(15): 4136-4140(4145)EI: 083511488309  

[14]      王毅,牛奕龙,齐华,齐敏,郝重阳. 三维医学图像分割的改进量子进化搜索算法. 系统仿真学报,200820(11): 2942-2945 EI: 082611337917  

[15]      Wang Yi, Niu Yilong, Monika Lehmpfuhl, Tian Yun, Hao Chongyang. 3D Brain Segmentation Based on Immune Genetic Algorithm. In: Proc. of Fourth IEEE International Conference on Image and Graphics, 2007, 415-420EI: 083011396682, ISTP: 000250480200078  

[16]      王毅,牛奕龙,田沄,董建园,郝重阳. 基于改进遗传算法的最佳熵多阈值三维医学图像分割算法. 西北工业大学学报,200725(3): 442-445EI: 073210754177  

[17]      Wang Yi, Niu Yilong, Tian Yun, Hao Chongyang. Fast 3D Brain Multi-Thresholding Segmentation Based on Immuno-Genetic Algorithm. In: Proc. of 2nd IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, 2007, 1882-1886EI: 074210874634, ISTP: 000252 231900379  

[18]      王毅,齐华,郝重阳. 一种基于独立分量分析的模糊图像盲分离算法. 计算机应用,200626(10): 2366-2368

[19]      王毅,郝重阳. 一种排样图像轮廓线生成方法. 数据采集与处理,200621(2): 230-233EI: 063110045050  

[20]      王毅,牛奕龙,陈海洋. 独立分量分析的基本问题与研究进展. 计算机工程与应用,200541(27): 38-42

[21]      Liu Zhexing, Wang Yi, Gerig Guido, Gouttard Sylvain, Tao Ran, Fletcher Thomas, Styner Martin. Quality Control of Diffusion Weighted Images. In: Proc. of SPIE on Medical Imaging 2010 - Advanced PACS-based Imaging Informatics and Therapeutic Applications, San Diego, CA, USA, 2010, 7628: 76280JEI: 20102413009044, ISTP: 000284752500017  

[22]      孔晓琳, 王毅, 巨安丽, 齐敏, 吕国云,樊养余. 基于内分泌激素调节机制的量子进化算法. 西北工业大学学报,201129(6): 978-983EI: 20120614748262  

[23]      Cui Wenchao, Wang Yi, Lei Tao, Fan Yangyu, Feng Yan. Brain MR image segmentation based on an adaptive combination of global and local fuzzy energy. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, 2013: ID 316546SCI: 000327990600001, EI: 20140817346266  

[24]      Cui Wenchao, Wang Yi, Lei Tao, Fan Yangyu, Feng Yan. Level Set Segmentation of Medical Images Based on Local Region Statistics and Maximum a Posteriori Probability.  Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2013, 2013: ID 570635SCI: 000327057000001  

[25]      Wenchao Cui, Yi Wang, Tao Lei, Yangyu Fan, Yan Feng. Localized FCM clustering with spatial information for medical image segmentation and bias field estimation. International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 2013, 2013: ID 930301EI: 20133616695329  

[26]      Wenchao Cui, Yi Wang, Yangyu Fan, Yan Feng, Tao Lei. Global and local fuzzy clustering with spatial information for medical image segmentation. In: Proceedings of IEEE China Summit & International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (ChinaSIP 2013), Beijing, China, 2013: 533-537EI: 20135017076776  

[27]      Wenchao Cui, Yi Wang, Tao Lei, Yangyu Fan, Yan Feng. Local region statistics-based active contour model for medical image segmentation. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG 2013), Qingdao, China, 2013: 205-210EI: 20140117162036  

[28]      崔文超,王毅,樊养余,冯燕,郝重阳. 局部高斯分布拟合的脑MR图像分割及有偏场校正. 中国图象图形学报,201318(5): 552-557.

[29]      Lei Tao, Wang Yi, Fan Yangyu, Zhao Jiong. Vector morphological operators in HSV color space. Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, 2012, 56(1): 012303(12).SCI: 000314426900013  

获奖情况:  2010年西北工业大学“翱翔之星”  






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