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2015-09-24 10:02   审核人:










1.   面向信息网络的信道编码理论及多用户信息传输理论。

2.   无线通信。

3.   通信抗干扰理论与技术。

4.   微纳卫星综合电子系统设计。









1. 本科生课程:通信原理(2011年至今)、电路基础(2011年至今)、网络与信息安全 (2011-2012年)

2. 国际班(本科)全英文课程:Principles of Communication (2013年至今)

3. 硕士研究生课程:无线电测控原理与技术(2011年至今) 、扩频通信(2011年至今)

4. 留学生(研究生)全英文课程: Spread Spectrum Communications (2015年至今)

4. 博士研究生课程:无线个人通信 (2014年至今)




[1]     Li Lixin, Wu Lin, Zhang Huisheng, Wu Fangxiang, "A Fast Algorithm for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization and Its Convergence", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Vol.25, No. 10, p.1855-1863, 2014.

[2]     Wang Wenjing, Li  Lixin, Zhang Huisheng, “Simplified partially parallel DVB-S2 LDPC decoder architectural design based on FPGA”, 2014 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China, ICCC 2014, p 314-318, January 12, 2015

[3]     Lao Lingling, Li Lixin, Zhu Meng, Zhang Huisheng,”Improved layered decoding algorithms based on integer quantization for LDPC codes.” Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University, v 32, n 6, p 974-980, December 1, 2014

[4]     Lao Lingling, Li Lixin, Zhu Meng, Zhang Huisheng, “The improved Turbo-decoding Message-passing algorithm and corresponding decoder for LDPC based on LTE,” 2014 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2014, p 890-894, December 15, 2014

[5]     Chen Zhengkang, Zhang Huisheng, Li Lixin, Zhu Meng, “Uniform quantization of LDPC codes for 8PSK modulation,”2013 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2013

[6]     Chen Zhengkang, Zhang Huisheng, Li Lixin, Qi Nan, “Min-sum algorithm with maximum average mutual information quantization,” International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, v 6, n 4, p 73-82, 2013

[7]     Li Lixin, Zhu Meng, Yang Fan, Zhang Yang, “Performance analysis of QC-LDPC construction based on distance graph,” Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 8th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, ICIEA 2013, p 1162-1166, 2013

[8]     Li Lixin, Sun Wen, Qi Nan, Zhu Meng, Zhang Yang, “A new LDPC-COFDM scheme in cooperative communication system,” Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 8th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, ICIEA 2013, p 1178-1183, 2013

[9]     Jie Fan, Zhang Huisheng, Li Lixin, Chen Zhengkang, “A cooperative communication method based on turbo codes,” Proceedings of SPIE, v 8783, 2013, Fifth International Conference on Machine Vision, ICMV 2012: Computer Vision, Image Analysis and Processing

[10] Yang Fan, Wen Xiaocong, Zhang Huisheng, Li Lixin, “The performance comparison between viterbi decoding and multistage decoding of BCM codes on AWGN channel,” IET Conference Publications, v 2012, n 598 CP, p 2150-2153, 2012, International Conference on Automatic Control and Artificial Intelligence, ACAI 2012

[11] Qi Nan, Zhang Huisheng, Li Lixin, Fan Jie, Jiang Shaohao, “Performance analysis of amplify-and-forward cooperative communication with adaptive M-QAM modulation,” 2012 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM 2012

[12] Li Lixin, Qi Nan, Zhang Huisheng, Zhu Meng, “Average spectral efficiency of CSI-assisted multi-relay amplify-and-forward cooperative communication scheme,” Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, v 43, n 2, p 274-278, September 2012

[13] Li Lixin, Chen Zhengkang, Fan Jie, Qi Nan, Zhang Huisheng, “Implementation of LDPC codes decoding based on maximum average mutual information quantization,” International Review on Computers and Software, v 6, n 6, p 1135-1139, 2011

[14] Zhang Huisheng, Li Lixin, Chen Chunlin, “A new and better design of quasi-orthogonal space time block codes (QOSTBC) based on random rotation and pre-coding,” Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University, v 29, n 5, p 665-670, October 2011


[1]     2015年,陕西省第二届研究生电子设计竞赛团队一等奖,获“最佳指导教师奖”

[2]     2015年,第十届中国研究生电子设计竞赛(华为杯)团队二等奖,指导教师

[3]     2014年,陕西省第一届研究生电子设计竞赛团队一等奖,获“最佳指导教师奖”

[4]     2014年,第九届中国研究生电子设计竞赛(华为杯)团队二等奖,指导教师

[5]     2014年,第七届全国大学生电子设计竞赛(英特尔杯)团队三等奖,指导教师

[6]     2014年,西北工业大学优秀共产党员

[7]     2013年,西北工业大学教师讲课比赛一等奖

[8]     2013年,全国大学生电子设计竞赛陕西赛区三等奖,指导教师

[9]     2012年,西北工业大学优秀班主任

[10]  2011年,西北工业大学奖教金


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