姓名: 庞晓炎
职务: 副教授
专业: 物理电子学
单位: bet48365365 电子与信息工程系
地址: 陕西省西安市长安区
电子邮箱: xypang@nwpu.edu.cn
· 纳米条件下的光波与光子技术以及纳米天线技术
· 新型的激光光束(无衍射光束)
· 相干理论
· 奇点光学理论。
10/2009-11/2013: 在荷兰代尔伏特理工大学和阿姆斯特丹自由大学攻读博士,
专业: 物理光学
09/2007- 09/2009: 在西北工业大学bet48365365攻读硕士学位
专业: 电磁场与微波技术
09/2003- 07/2007: 在西北工业大学bet48365365攻读学士学位
专业: 电子信息工程
1) X. Pang, T.D. Visser and E. Wolf,
“Phase anomaly and phase singularities of the field in the focal region of
high-numerical aperture systems,”
Optics Communications, vol. 284, pp. 5517-5522 (2011).
2) X. Pang, G. Gbur and T.D. Visser,
“The Gouy phase of Airy beams,”
Optics Letters, vol. 36, pp. 2492-2494 (2011).
3) X. Pang, D.G. Fischer and T.D. Visser,
“Generalized Gouy phase for focused, partially coherent light and its implications for optical metrology,”
J. Opt. Soc. Am. A., vol. 29, pp. 989-993 (2012).
4) X. Pang and T.D. Visser,
“Manifestation of the Gouy phase in strongly focused, radially polarized beams,”
Optics Express, vol. 21, pp. 8331-8341 (2013).
5) X. Pang, D.G. Fischer and T.D. Visser,
“Wavefront spacing and the Gouy phase in the presence of spherical aberration,”
Optics Letters, vol. 39, pp. 88-91 (2014)
? Prof. Taco D. Visser, Delft University of Technology and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam ,NL
? Prof. E. Wolf, University of Rochester, USA
? Prof. G.J. Gbur, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
? D.G. Fischer, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, USA